Title: Daily average number of detainees and imprisonment rate Description: Daily average number of detainees and imprisonment rate, Republic of Mauritius, 2001 - 2021 Source: Statistics Mauritius Link: https://statsmauritius.govmu.org/Pages/Statistics/By_Subject/CJS/SB_CJS.aspx Themes: Crime Tags: Convicts, Remand, Trials, Civil Debtors, Imprisonment, occupancy Note: As from 2004, figures include detainees in Correctional Youth Centre (CYC) but exclude Rehabilitation Youth Centre (RYC) Rate is per 100,000 population NA - Not available ) for nil Published and converted to CSV by: MDPA Last Uploaded: March 2025 License: Creative Common License 4.0 The following attributions will have to be adopted by the users of the datasets under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence: 1. Users reproducing the data without adaptation should include a source accreditation to the in the following manner: Source: 2. Users reproducing the data with adaptation should include a source accreditation to the in the following manner: Adapted from data from