Location of Hypermarkets & Supermarkets in Mauritius
Dataset shows GPS locations of Hypermarkets and Supermarkets around Mauritius, along with its physical address, phone number, post code and website (if any) -
External Merchandise Trade Statistics, Republic of Mauritius, Year 1938 - ...
External Merchandise Trade Statistics, Republic of Mauritius, Year 1938 - 4th Quarter 2019 -
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at current market prices, Republic of...
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at current market prices, Republic of Mauritius, 2006 - 2019 -
Per Capita GDP at current market prices, Republic of Mauritius, 2006 - 2019
Per Capita GDP at current market prices, Republic of Mauritius, 2006 - 2019 -
Productivity and Competitiveness Indicators- Manufacturing Sector
Productivity and Competitiveness Indicators- Manufacturing Sector -
Budgetary Central Government-Quarterly Outlays by Functions of Government
Budgetary Central Government-Quarterly Outlays by Functions of Government -
Budgetary Central Government - Statement of Government Operations
Budgetary Central Government - Statement of Government Operations -
National Accounts Estimates - Growth Ratios
National Accounts Estimates - Growth Ratios -
National Accounts Estimates - Annual Real Growth Rate
National Accounts Estimates - Annual Real Growth Rate