Carer's Allowance for Basic Retirement Pensioner - Number of...
Dataset shows the Carer's Allowance for Basic Retirement Pensioner - Number of beneficiaries by age-group and rate per month, Republic of Mauritius, 1995 - 2022 -
Basic Social Benefits by type and sex
Dataset shows the Basic Social Benefits by type and sex, Republic of Mauritius, 1995 - 2022 -
Number of guardians taking care of orphans and rate paid
The data shows number of guardians taking care of orphans and rate paid for the Republic of Mauritiusfor the year 1995 to 2021. -
Basic Invalid Pension - Number of beneficiaries by age-group, amount paid...
The data shows number of beneficiaries by age-group, amount paid and rate per month for Basic Invalid Pension for the Republic of Mauritius from year 1995 to 2021. -
Basic Widows Pension - Number of beneficiaries by age-group, amount paid and...
The data shows number of beneficiaries by age-group, amount paid and rate per month for basic widows pension for Republic of Mauritius for the year 1989 to 2021 -
Basic Orphan's Pension - Number of beneficiaries by age-group, amount...
The data shows number of number of beneficiaries by age-group, amount paid and rate per month for basic orphans Pension for the Republic of Mauritius from year 1995 to 2021 -
Workers injured in work accidents occurred by month and year
The data shows number of workers injured in work accidents occured by month and by year for the Republic of Mauritius for the year 1995 to 2020 -
Carer's Allowance for Basic Invalid's Pensioner - Number of...
The data shows number Carer's Allowance for Basic Invalid's Pensioner - Number of beneficiaries by age-group and rate per month, Republic of Mauritius for the year 2003 to 2021 -
Minimum and maximum remunerations on which contributions to the National...
The data shows number of minimum and maximum remunerations on which contributions to the National Pension Fund are payable by type of employee and by year, for the year 1996 to... -
Location of CAB Offices in Mauritius
Dataset shows GPS locations of Citizens Advice Bureau Offices with their respective Constituency around Mauritius -
Location of Day Care Centres in Mauritius
Dataset shows GPS locations of Day Care Centres around Mauritius -
Location of Social Welfare Centres in Mauritius
Dataset shows GPS locations of Social Welfare Centres around Mauritius -
Indicators of relative poverty, Republic of Mauritius
Indicators of relative poverty, Republic of Mauritius -1996/97, 2001/02, 2006/07, 2012 and 2017 -
Basic Retirement Pension - Number of beneficiaries by age-group and amount...
Basic Retirement Pension - Number of beneficiaries by age-group and amount paid, Republic of Mauritius, 1987 - 2017 -
Pension for Invalid-Orphan-Retirement-SeverelyHandicapped-Widow
Pension for Invalid, Orphan, Retirement, Severely Handicapped, Widow 1990 to 2014 -
Rates of allowances paid under social aid
Rates of allowances paid under social aid