Basic Social Benefits by type and sex
Dataset shows the Basic Social Benefits by type and sex, Republic of Mauritius, 1995 - 2022 -
Number of guardians taking care of orphans and rate paid
The data shows number of guardians taking care of orphans and rate paid for the Republic of Mauritiusfor the year 1995 to 2021. -
Basic Orphan's Pension - Number of beneficiaries by age-group, amount...
The data shows number of number of beneficiaries by age-group, amount paid and rate per month for basic orphans Pension for the Republic of Mauritius from year 1995 to 2021 -
Pension for Invalid-Orphan-Retirement-SeverelyHandicapped-Widow
Pension for Invalid, Orphan, Retirement, Severely Handicapped, Widow 1990 to 2014