Vehicles registered by type as at end of year - Island of Mauritius
The data shows Number of vehicles registered for the Island of Mauritius. Data refer to all vehicles registered at the National Land Transport Authority. The classification of... -
Length & density of road network for the Island of Mauritius
for the year 1980 to 2020 -
Road traffic accidents and casualties
The data on accidents refer to all road accidents reported to police stations and to insurance companies. It also include data such as number of casualties and fatalities for... -
Number of drivers and riders involved in casualty accidents by age group and gender
The data shows number of drivers and riders involved in casualty accidents by age group, gender and by year. -
Road Traffic Accidents Motor Vehicles Involved and Casualties
Dataset shows Road Traffic Accidents Motor Vehicles Involved and Casualties for the year 2012 to 2021 -
Number of Casualty Accidents by Severity of Accident and Type of Road
Dataset shows Number of Casualty Accidents by Severity of Accident and Type of Road for the year 2017 and 2021 -
Number of Casualties by Degree of Casualty
Dataset shows Number of Casualties by Degree of Casualty for the year 2012 to 2021 -
Number of Accidents by Severity of Accident
Dataset shows Number of Accidents by Severity of Accident for the year 2012 to 2021 -
Casualty Accidents, Pedestrian and Rider Casualties by Police District
Dataset shows Casualty Accidents, Pedestrian and Rider Casualties by Police District for the year 2013 to 2021 -
Number of casualty accidents by degree of casualties and junction type
The data shows number of casualty accidents by degree of casualties and junction type by year -
Number of casualty accidents by type of road, severity of accident and...
The data shows Number of casualty accidents by type of road, severity of accident and collision type and by year -
Number of casualty by severity of accident and light conditions
The data shows number of casualty by severity of accident and light conditions by year -
Number of casualty accidents by severity of accident and police district
The data shows number of casualties by severity of accident and police district by year -
Number of casualty accidents by severity of accident and weather condition
The data shows number of casualty accidents by severity of accident and weather conditions like Fine, Rainy, Foggy/misty and Other -
Number of driving licence issued by year and by type of licence
The data shows number of driving license issued by year and by type of license -
Registration of Imported Second hand and re registered vehicles
The data shows Number of Registration of Imported Second-hand and re-registered vehicles where re-registration of vehicles means vehicles previously put off the road excludes... -
Number of vehicles invloved in casualty accidents by year and by type
The data shows Number of vehicles involved in accident causing casualty by type of vehicle and by year -
Road traffic contraventions, Republic of Mauritius
The data shows offences made in connection with road traffic for the Republic of Mauritius for the year 2016 to 2022 -
Value of Contracts Awarded to SMEs (above Rs 100,000) as a Percentage of...
Value of Contracts Awarded to SMEs (above Rs 100,000) as a Percentage of Total Value of all Contracts -
Number of Planning Clearances issued during period July 2016 to June 2017
Number of Planning Clearances issued during period July 2016 to June 2017 - Ministry of Housing