Deaths by cause for Island of Mauritius and Island of Rodrigues by year
Data shows number of death by cause for island of Mauritius and island of Rodrigues for the year 2018 to 2021 -
Cases Treated As In-Patients at Brown Sequard Psychiatric Hospital for Mauritius
Dataset refers to the Projection of Cases Treated As In-Patients at Brown Sequard Psychiatric Hospital for Mauritius for the year 2013 to 2021 -
Location of Primary School in Rodrigues and Agalega
The data shows primary schools in Rodrigues and Agalega state schools with locations -
Quarterly Export Price Index by SITC
The data shows Quarterly Export Price Index by Standard International Trade Classification upto year 2022. -
HIV tests conducted and number of positive cases
Data shows number of HIV tests conducted and number of positive cases for the year 2011 to 2021 for Island of Mauritius -
Mid Year Estimated Resident Population By Geographical District and Gender...
Dataset shows the Mid Year Estimated Resident Population By Geographical District and Gender for the Republic of Mauritius for the year 1990 to July 2021 -
Estimated Resident Population By Age Group and by Gender in Mauritius
Dataset refers to the Estimated Resident Population By Age Group and by Gender In Mauritius for the year 1990 to 2021 -
Deaths by Age Group and Gender for the Republic of Mauritius
Dataset refers to the Deaths by Age Group and Gender for the Republic of Mauritius for the year 1975 to 2021 -
Estimated Resident Population by District, Municipal Council Area (MCA) and...
Dataset shows the Estimated Resident Population by District, Municipal Council Area (MCA) and Village Council Area (VCA ) for the Republic of Mauritius for the year July 2020 to... -
Locations of Foreign Diplomatic Missions Based in Mauritius
Dataset shows GPS locations of Foreign Diplomatic Missions Based in Mauritius -
Imports of goods by section and country of origin
The data shows number of goods imported by section and by country of origin for the year 2017 to 2021 -
Imports of goods by country of Origin
The data shows number of goods imported by country of origin from year 1956 to 2022 and by quater from year 2017 to 2021 -
Mid Year Population by Sex for the Republic of Mauritius
Dataset shows the Mid Year Population by Sex for the Republic of Mauritius for the year 1972 to 2021 -
Selected Fertility Rates for the Republic of Mauritius
Dataset shows the Selected Fertility Rates for the Republic of Mauritius for the year 1984 to 2021 -
Vital Statistics Rates for the Republic of Mauritius
Dataset shows the Vital Statistics Rates for the Republic of Mauritius for the year 1961 to 2021 -
Employment in the Sugar Sector in Mauritius
Dataset shows the Employment by Gender in the Sugar Sector in Mauritius for the Year 1981 to 2020 -
Immunisation Coverage Rates - Pregnant Women
The data shows Immunisation Coverage Rates by year and type of vaccine for pregnant women. Years 2000 to 2021 -
Enrolment in SEN schools by year, age and gender for Republic of Mauritius
The data shows number of children enrolled in Special Education Needs school by year, age and gender -
Production of Sugar, Molasses and Scum for Mauritius
Dataset shows the Production of Sugar, Molasses and Scum for Mauritius for the year 1975 to 2021 -
Area Under Cultivation and Production of Tea in Mauritius
Dataset shows the Area Under Cultivation and Production of Tea in Mauritius for the year 1975 to 2020