Plant Capacity, Peak Demand, Electricity Generation and Sales for Island of...
Dataset shows the Plant Capacity, Peak Demand, Electricity Generation and Sales for Island of Mauritius and Rodrigues as from year 1990 to 2020. -
Treatment of Selected Diseases at the CH, Medi-Clinics, AHC and CHC in Mauritius
Dataset refers to the Projection of Number of First Attendances for the Treatment of Some Selected Diseases at the Community Hospitals, Medi-Clinics, Area Health Centres and... -
Cases Treated As In-Patients in Government General Hospitals Due to Some...
Dataset refers to the Projection of Number of Cases Treated As In-Patients in Government General Hospitals Due to Some Selected Diseases in Mauritius for the year 2004 to 2019 -
Immunisation Coverage Rates - Babies
Immunisation Coverage Rates by year and type of vaccine. Expanded programme on Immunization at Government Clinics & coverage areas. For the year 2000 to 2021 -
Enrolment in Special Education Needs (SEN) schools by gender and district
The data shows number of children enrolled in Special Education Needs (SEN) schools by gender and district for the year 2016 - 2021 -
ICT Economic Indicators
The data shows ICT Economic Indicators for the year 2005 to 2021 -
ICT Infrastructure Readiness Indicators
The data shows indicators for ICT Infrastructure for the year 2010 to 2021 -
Electricity Generation by Source of Energy for Mauritius and Rodrigues
Dataset shows Electricity Generation by Source of Energy for Mauritius and Rodrigues for the Year 1990 to 2020 -
Sales of Electricity by Type of Tariff Group in Mauritius
Sales of Electricity by Type of Tariff Group for the year 1990 to 2019 in Mauritius -
Hotels in Mauritius which were Operational including Temporary Closed Ones
Dataset refers to hotels in the island of Mauritius which were operational and including temporary closed ones till complete opening of borders for the year 2013 to 2020 -
Tourist Arrivals by Country of Residence
Dataset refers to the Number of Tourist Arrivals by Country of Residence for the year 1983 to 2021 for Mauritius -
ICT in Education Indicators for Mauritius
Dataset refers to the ICT in Education Indicators for Mauritius for the year 2013 to 2020 -
ICT Manpower Indicators
The data shows indicators for ICT manpower from 2006 to 2021 -
Indicators for ICT Tariffs
The data shows indicators for telephone tariffs and Tariff for Internet Access Services -
Percentage ICT Usage in Businesses Indicator in Mauritius
Dataset refers to the Percentage ICT Usage in Businesses Indicator in Mauritius for the year 2009 to 2021 -
Percentage ICT Penetration in Private Households Indicator in Mauritius
Dataset refers to the Percentage ICT Penetration in Private Households Indicators in Mauritius for the year 2010 to 2020 -
ICT Access in Communities Indicator in Mauritius
Dataset refers to the ICT Access in Communities Indicator in Mauritius for the year 2017 to 2020 -
Number of children placed in foster families
The data shows number of children placed in foster families by gender from year 2004 to 2021 -
Number of orders issued by type of order (protection & occupation)
The data shows number of orders issued by type of orders (Protection Order & Occupation Order)for island of mauritius -
Number of cases (new and old) registered at the Family Support Bureau (FSB)
Data shows number of Number of cases (new and old) registered by gender at the Family Support Bureau (FSB) for Island of Mauritius