Mean Wind Speed and Highest Gusts at Plaisance Aeronautical Station in Mauritius
Dataset shows the Mean Wind Speed and Highest Gusts at Plaisance Aeronautical Station by Month in Mauritius as from January 2005 to December 2020. -
Total Hours of Sunshine by Region and Station in Mauritius
Dataset shows the Total Hours of Sunshine by Region and Station in Mauritius as from January 2005 to December 2020. -
Building Permits for Residential and Non-Residential Buildings in Mauritius
Dataset refers to the Building Permits for Residential and Non-Residential Buildings including Number and Floor Area in Mauritius for the year 1979 to 2020 -
Vehicles registered by type as at end of year - Island of Mauritius
The data shows Number of vehicles registered for the Island of Mauritius. Data refer to all vehicles registered at the National Land Transport Authority. The classification of... -
Rates (accident, fatality & casualty) - Island of Mauritius
Dataset shows Road Rates of Accident, Fatality and Casualty Rates For Mauritius for the year 1980 to 2020 -
ICT Access for Mauritius
Subscriptions per inhabitants for Fixed Telephone lines, Mobile Cellular, Internet and Broadband Internet for the year 2016 to 2022 -
Establishments, Employment and Value Added in the ICT Sector
Establishment and Employment by Gender including Value Added in the ICT Sector for the year 2016 to 2022 -
ICT Usage in Business by Industrial Sector
Usage of ICT in Businesses by Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Sectors for the year 2019 and 2022 -
Local and International Telephone Calls for Mauritius
Local and International Telephone Calls from Fixed and Mobile Cellular Telephone including Short Message Service for the year 2016 to 2022 -
Cambridge School Certificate Performance by Subject School Candidates,by...
The data shows number of girls and boys who took part (who were examined) in School Certificate Examinations and the number of passes by subject and by year for the year 2012 to... -
Cambridge School Certificate(SC) examination results - Island of Mauritius 1980-2018
There is no description for this dataset
Cambridge Higher School Certificate (HSC) examination results, Island of...
There is no description for this dataset
Cambridge School Certificate(SC) examination results - Island of Rodrigues 1982-2019
There is no description for this dataset
Cambridge Higher School Certificate (HSC) examination results, Island of...
There is no description for this dataset
External Merchandise Trade Statistics, Republic of Mauritius, Year 1938 - ...
External Merchandise Trade Statistics, Republic of Mauritius, Year 1938 - 4th Quarter 2019 -
Main energy indicators, Republic of Mauritius, 1990 - 2017
Main energy indicators, Republic of Mauritius, 1990 - 2017 -
Indicators of relative poverty, Republic of Mauritius
Indicators of relative poverty, Republic of Mauritius -1996/97, 2001/02, 2006/07, 2012 and 2017 -
Area harvested and production of food crops, Island of Mauritius, 1980-2017
Area harvested and production of food crops, Island of Mauritius, 1980-2017 -
Basic Retirement Pension - Number of beneficiaries by age-group and amount...
Basic Retirement Pension - Number of beneficiaries by age-group and amount paid, Republic of Mauritius, 1987 - 2017 -
Fixed-line telephone, Republic of Mauritius, 2000 to 2018
Fixed-line telephone, Republic of Mauritius, 2000 to 2018