Secondary Enrolment and Gross Enrolment Ratio (12-19 Years) By Gender for Rodrigues
Dataset Shows the Number of Secondary Enrolment and Gross Enrolment Ratio for Students aged between 12 to 19 Years old By Gender for Rodrigues for the Year 1990 to 2021. -
Secondary Enrolment and Gross Enrolment Ratio (11-17 Years) By Gender for Rodrigues
Dataset Shows the Number of Secondary Enrolment and Gross Enrolment Ratio for students aged between 11 to 17 Years old By Gender for Rodrigues for the Year 2011 to 2021. -
Secondary Enrolment and Gross Enrolment Ratio (12-19 Years) By Gender for Mauritius
Dataset Shows the Number of Secondary Enrolment and Gross Enrolment Ratio for Students aged between 12 to 19 Years old By Gender for Mauritius for the Year 1972 to 2021. -
Secondary Enrolment and Gross Enrolment Ratio (11-17 Years) By Gender for Mauritius
Dataset Shows the Number of Secondary Enrolment and Gross Enrolment Ratio for students aged between 11 to 17 Years old By Gender for Mauritius for the Year 2011 to 2021. -
ICT usage in education by year
The data shows usage of ICT and internet in education at primary, secondary and tertiary level. It also contain Student examined in ICT at School Certificate and Higher School... -
Education Main Indicators
Education Main Indicators