Title: Local Production of Logs, Poles and Fuelwood in Mauritius

Description: Dataset shows the Local Production of Logs, Poles and Fuelwood in Mauritius for the Year 2012 to 2021.

Source: Statistics Mauritius & Forestry Service, Ministry of Agro Industry and Food Security / Digest 2021

Link: https://statsmauritius.govmu.org/Pages/Statistics/By_Subject/Environment/SB_Environment.aspx


1. Private Lands are Estimated Values
2. Field Amount are measured in Cubic Metre (Roundwood)

Themes: Environment

Tags: Timber, Poles, Fuelwood, State Land, Private Land

Published and converted to CSV by: MDPA

Last Uploaded: November 2023

License: Creative Common License 4.0

The following attributions will have to be adopted by the users of the datasets under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence:
1.	Users reproducing the data without adaptation should include a source accreditation to the <Ministry/Department releasing the data> in the following manner: 
	Source: <Ministry/Department>

2. Users reproducing the data with adaptation should include a source accreditation to the <Ministry/Department releasing the data> in the following manner:
	Adapted from data from <Ministry/Department>