Hourly labour cost of selected countries in US Dollar
Dataset shows Hourly labour cost of selected countries in US Dollar - Manufacturing sector, 2008 - 2018
Dataset shows Hourly labour cost of selected countries in US Dollar - Manufacturing sector, 2008 - 2018
Dataset shows Average compensation of employees, Labour productivity and Unit Labour Cost Manufacturing sector, 2009 - 2019
Dataset shows Unit labour cost in Mauritian Rupees (MUR) and US dollar
Dataset shows the Average import price of energy sources by country of origin
Dataset shows the Average retail price (Rupees) of petroleum products and wholesale price of coal used as energy sources
Dataset shows the climatology of the Island for the regions West, North, East, South and Centre. Medine, Pamplemousses, Fuel, Plaisance and Vacoas are considered to be representative of the five respective regions
Dataset shows the Employment in large establishments of the Tourism Industry as from 1983
Dataset shows the number of registered electors for Polling Stations Constituency and Local Government in Mauritius
Dataset shows the Production of agro-industrial products on the Island of Mauritius as from 1993