Title: Hourly labour cost of selected countries in US Dollar Description: Dataset shows Hourly labour cost of selected countries in US Dollar - Manufacturing sector, 2008 - 2018 Source: The Conference board and Statistics Mauritius estimates Link: https://statsmauritius.govmu.org/Pages/Statistics/ESI/Productivity/Prod_Comp_Yr09-Yr19.aspx Themes: Productivity and Competitiveness Tags: Output, labour, input, capital, trends, index, productivity, economy, growth rate, labour productivity, unit labour cost, exchange rate, labour cost growth, unit labour cost rate, country, hourly labour cost, US dollar Published and converted to CSV by: MDPA Last Uploaded: June 2024 License: Creative Common License 4.0 The following attributions will have to be adopted by the users of the datasets under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence: 1. Users reproducing the data without adaptation should include a source accreditation to the in the following manner: Source: 2. Users reproducing the data with adaptation should include a source accreditation to the in the following manner: Adapted from data from