Convicts Admitted to Prisons according to the International Classifications...
Dataset refers to the Convicts Admitted to Prisons according to the International Classifications of Offences for the Republic of Mauritius for the Year 2018 to 2021 -
Convicted Offences according to UN Classification of Crime for Statistical...
Dataset refers to the Convicted Offences according to UN Classification of Crime for Statistical Purposes for Mauritius and Rodrigues for the Year 2014 to 2020 -
Daily Average Number of Detainees and Imprisonment Rate for the Republic of Mauritius
Dataset refers to the Daily Average Number of Detainees and Imprisonment Rate for the Republic of Mauritius for the Year 2001 to 2020 -
Divorce Cases for the Island and Republic of Mauritius
Dataset refers to the Number of Divorce Cases for the Island of Mauritius for the Year 1989 to 2003 and for the Republic of Mauritius for the Year 2004 to 2020. -
Cases of reported offences by type for the Republic of Mauritius, 2007-2017
Cases of reported offences by type for the Republic of Mauritius, 2007-2017 -
List of Police Posts in Hospitals in Mauritius
List of Police Posts in Hospitals in Mauritius -
List of Emergency Numbers in Mauritius
List of Emergency Numbers in Mauritius -
List of Fire Stations and Contact Numbers in Mauritius
List of Fire Stations and Contact Numbers in Mauritius