Immunisation Coverage Rates - Babies
Immunisation Coverage Rates by year and type of vaccine. Expanded programme on Immunization at Government Clinics & coverage areas. For the year 2000 to 2021 -
Location of Pharmacy
Dataset shows the GPS Locations of Pharmacies around Mauritius -
Crude Death Rate by District and by year
The data shows Number of crude death Rate By Year And by District from year 2011 to 2020 -
Crude Birth Rate by District and by Year
The data shows Number of crude birth Rate By Year And by District from year 2011 to 2020 -
Locations of Hospitals, Clinics, Medi-Clinics, Area Health Centres and...
Dataset shows GPS locations of Hospitals, Clinics, Mediclinics, Area Health Centres, Community Health Centres around Mauritius -
Still births, perinatal, neonatal, infant and maternal deaths for Island of Mauritius
The data shows Number of Still births, perinatal, neonatal, infant and maternal deaths -
Location of Community Health Centres
Locations of community health centres around the island