Enrolment in SEN schools by year, age and gender for Republic of Mauritius
The data shows number of children enrolled in Special Education Needs school by year, age and gender -
Enrolment in primary schools by year, grade and gender for the Republic of Mauritius
The data shows number of children enrolled in primary schools by grade and gender for the year 2019 to 2021. -
HSC Grade Distribution by Subjects at Subsidiary Level
Dataset shows number of students who took part (who were examined) in Higher School Certificate Examinations and the number of passes by Subject from year 2013 to 2022 at... -
HSC Grade Distribution by Subjects at Principal Level
Dataset shows number of students who took part (who were examined) in Higher School Certificate Examinations and the number of passes by Subject from year 2013 to 2022 at... -
Certificate of Primary Education (CPE) examination results, Island of...
Certificate of Primary Education (CPE) examination results, Island of Rodrigues, 1982 - 2018 -
Certificate of Primary Education (CPE) examination results, Island of...
Certificate of Primary Education (CPE) examination results, Island of Mauritius, 1982 - 2018 -
MITD Enrolment by Year and Mode of Study
MITD Enrolment by Year and Mode of Study -
Enrolment MITD PreVocational by Year and by gender
Enrolment MITD PreVocational by Year and by gender -
List of MITD PreVocational Training Centres
List of MITD PreVocational Training Centres -
List of MITD Vocational Training Centres
List of MITD Vocational Training Centres -
Total Enrolment at MITD by Gender and course type
Total Enrolment at MITD 2018 by Gender and course type -
New Admissions on Tertiary Education Level Programmes by source
New Admissions on Tertiary Education Level Programmes by source -
Gross Tertiary Enrolment Rate (GTER) in Tertiary Education by sex, 2000 - 2015
Gross Tertiary Enrolment Rate (GTER) in Tertiary Education by sex, 2000 - 2015 -
Enrolment of International Students in Tertiary Education locally by sex
Enrolment of International Students in Tertiary Education locally by sex -
Education Main Indicators
Education Main Indicators -
Certificate of Primary Education (CPE) examination results
Certificate of Primary Education (CPE) examination results