Headline Inflation rate (%), Calendar Year, Republic of Mauritius, 1974 - 2018
Headline Inflation rate (%), Calendar Year, Republic of Mauritius, 1974 - 2018 -
Fixed-line telephone, Republic of Mauritius, 2000 to 2018
Fixed-line telephone, Republic of Mauritius, 2000 to 2018 -
Rodrigues Post Office Codes
The list of postal codes for Rodrigues -
Agalega Post Office Codes
The list of postal codes for Agalega -
Mauritius Post Office Codes
The list of postal codes for Mauritius -
Number of People Trained in Cybercaravan, 2006-2018
Number of people trained in the NCB Cybercaravans for the period 2006 to 2018 -
Number of People Trained in Cybercaravan by Target Group, 2006-2018
Number of people trained in Cybercaravan as per target group for year 2006 to 2018 -
Number of People Trained in Cybercaravan by District, 2006-2018
Number of People trained in Cybercaravan by District for the year 2006 to 2018 -
Number of People Trained in Cybercaravan by ICT Courses, 2006-2018
ICT courses covered ICT literacy, ICT Awareness, ICT Awareness for senior Citizens, Initiation to Coding, Digital Youth Empowerment Programme and MS Office Packages -
List of ICT Companies in Mauritius
List of ICT companies in Mauritius with a physical address -
List of ICT Companies with GPS locations
List of ICT companies with GPS locations in Mauritius. These ICT Companies have a physical address which is in another dataset -
List of Post Offices and Addresses in Mauritius
This list provides Post Offices names, addresses and telephone numbers. -
Availability of ICT to households
Availability of ICT to households -
Contribution of the ICT sector to the economy and ICT index
Contribution of the ICT sector to the economy and ICT index -
ICT Indicators and Indices Republic of Mauritius ICT Infrastructure and access
ICT Indicators and Indices Republic of Mauritius ICT Infrastructure and access -
Internet Services
Internet Services -
Monthly Producer Price Index -Agriculture
Monthly Producer Price Index -Agriculture -
Mobile cellular telephone Island of Mauritius
Mobile cellular telephone Island of Mauritius -
Postcode and Localities of Rodrigues
Postcode and Localities of Rodrigues -
Postcodes and Localities in Mauritius
Postcodes and Localities in Mauritius