Immunisation Coverage Rates - Babies
Immunisation Coverage Rates by year and type of vaccine. Expanded programme on Immunization at Government Clinics & coverage areas. For the year 2000 to 2021 -
Pathological Tests Carried Out In Blood Transfusion Services in Mauritius...
Dataset refers to the Pathological Tests Carried Out In Blood Transfusion Services in Mauritius and Rodrigues for the year 2014 to 2021 -
Pathological Tests Carried Out In Public Laboratories of Mauritius and Rodrigues
Dataset refers to the Pathological Tests Carried Out In Public Laboratories in Mauritius and Rodrigues for the year 2014 to 2021 -
Haemodialysis Performed In Mauritius
Dataset refers to the Number of Haemodialysis Performed In Mauritius for the year 2013 to 2021 -
CT Scan Examinations and MRI Registered for Mauritius
Dataset refers to the Projection of Number of CT Scan Examinations and MRI Registered In Mauritius for the year 2013 to 2021 -
Number of live Birth and Death
The data shows number of live birth and deaths for Mauritius for the year 1991 to 2020 -
Still Birth Rate by Year and District
The data shows Number of still birth Rate By Year And by District from year 2011 to 2020 -
Crude Death Rate by District and by year
The data shows Number of crude death Rate By Year And by District from year 2011 to 2020 -
Crude Birth Rate by District and by Year
The data shows Number of crude birth Rate By Year And by District from year 2011 to 2020 -
Location of Youth Centres in Mauritius
Dataset shows GPS locations of Youth Centres around Mauritius -
Locations of Hospitals, Clinics, Medi-Clinics, Area Health Centres and...
Dataset shows GPS locations of Hospitals, Clinics, Mediclinics, Area Health Centres, Community Health Centres around Mauritius -
Infant Mortality Rate By Year And by District
The data shows Number of Infant Mortality Rate By Year And by District for island of Mauritius -
Live Births Occurred By Age of Mother and Live Birth Order for island of Mauritius
The data shows Live births occurred by age of mother and live birth order (fist to fourth birth) for island of Mauritius -
Still births, perinatal, neonatal, infant and maternal deaths for Island of Mauritius
The data shows Number of Still births, perinatal, neonatal, infant and maternal deaths