Locations of Hospitals, Clinics, Medi-Clinics, Area Health Centres and...
Dataset shows GPS locations of Hospitals, Clinics, Mediclinics, Area Health Centres, Community Health Centres around Mauritius -
Locations of Secondary Schools in Mauritius
Dataset shows GPS locations of State Secondary Schools and Private Secondary Schools around Mauritius -
Number of driving licence issued by year and by type of licence
The data shows number of driving license issued by year and by type of license -
Registration of Imported Second hand and re registered vehicles
The data shows Number of Registration of Imported Second-hand and re-registered vehicles where re-registration of vehicles means vehicles previously put off the road excludes... -
Production of Selected Food Crops by District for Mauritius
Production of Fruits and Vegetables by District for the year 2014 to 2019 in Mauritius -
Area Harvested of Selected Food Crops by District for Mauritius
Area Harvested of Fruits and Vegetables by District for the year 2014 to 2019 in Mauritius -
Food Crops Monthly Production for Mauritius
Production of Vegetables by Month for the year 2017 to 2019 in Mauritius -
Food Crops Monthly Area Harvested for Mauritius
Area Harvested of Vegetables by Month for the year 2017 to 2019 in Mauritius. -
Number of vehicles invloved in casualty accidents by year and by type
The data shows Number of vehicles involved in accident causing casualty by type of vehicle and by year -
AMB retail outlets
This data shows Agricultural Marketing Board retailing outlets by address, district, phone number, hours of operations and by coordinates -
AMB Retailing Unit
The data shows Agricultural Marketing board retailing unit by address, by stall number, by days of operation and coordinates -
Area Harvested and Production of Food Crops by District for Mauritius
Area Harvested and Production of Food Crops by District for the year 2014 to 2019 in Mauritius -
Monthly Production of Food Crops in Protected Cultures - Hydroponics
Monthly Area Production of Vegetables in Protected Cultures - Hydroponics for the year 2019 in Mauritius -
Monthly Production of Food Crops in Protected Cultures – Soil Culture
Monthly Production of Vegetables in Protected Cultures - Soil Cultures for the year 2019 in Mauritius -
Location of Primary School in Mauritius
The data shows primary schools in Mauritius, including state schools, private aided(RCA) and Private Unaided -
ICT usage in education by year
The data shows usage of ICT and internet in education at primary, secondary and tertiary level. It also contain Student examined in ICT at School Certificate and Higher School... -
ICT Access for Mauritius
Subscriptions per inhabitants for Fixed Telephone lines, Mobile Cellular, Internet and Broadband Internet for the year 2016 to 2022 -
Establishments, Employment and Value Added in the ICT Sector
Establishment and Employment by Gender including Value Added in the ICT Sector for the year 2016 to 2022 -
ICT Usage in Business by Industrial Sector
Usage of ICT in Businesses by Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Sectors for the year 2019 and 2022 -
Local and International Telephone Calls for Mauritius
Local and International Telephone Calls from Fixed and Mobile Cellular Telephone including Short Message Service for the year 2016 to 2022