Number of People Trained in Cybercaravan by Target Group, 2006-2018
Number of people trained in Cybercaravan as per target group for year 2006 to 2018 -
Number of People Trained in Cybercaravan by District, 2006-2018
Number of People trained in Cybercaravan by District for the year 2006 to 2018 -
List of ICT Companies in Mauritius
List of ICT companies in Mauritius with a physical address -
Cargo Traffic at Port Louis Harbour
Cargo Traffic at Port Louis Harbour (Tonnes) -
Container Traffic at Port Louis Harbour
Container Traffic at Port Louis Harbour CONTAINER TRAFFIC handled in terms of TEUs (Calendar Year) -
Vessels calling at Port Louis Harbour
List of Vessels calling at Port Louis Harbour by category for each calendar year. -
Number of primary schools, pupils, personnel and pupil/teacher ratio,...
Number of primary schools, pupils, personnel and pupil/teacher ratio, Republic of Mauritius, 1967 - 2016 -
Number of Mauritian Students Pursuing Tertiary Education Overseas by sex
Number of Mauritian Students Pursuing Tertiary Education Overseas by sex -
New Admissions on Tertiary Education Level Programmes by source
New Admissions on Tertiary Education Level Programmes by source -
Gross Tertiary Enrolment Rate (GTER) in Tertiary Education by sex, 2000 - 2015
Gross Tertiary Enrolment Rate (GTER) in Tertiary Education by sex, 2000 - 2015 -
Enrolment of International Students in Tertiary Education locally by sex
Enrolment of International Students in Tertiary Education locally by sex -
Education Main Indicators
Education Main Indicators -
Dropout Island of Mauritius
Dropout Island of Mauritius -
Certificate of Primary Education (CPE) examination results
Certificate of Primary Education (CPE) examination results -
Pension for Invalid-Orphan-Retirement-SeverelyHandicapped-Widow
Pension for Invalid, Orphan, Retirement, Severely Handicapped, Widow 1990 to 2014 -
Rates of allowances paid under social aid
Rates of allowances paid under social aid -
Availability of ICT to households
Availability of ICT to households -
Contribution of the ICT sector to the economy and ICT index
Contribution of the ICT sector to the economy and ICT index -
ICT Indicators and Indices Republic of Mauritius ICT Infrastructure and access
ICT Indicators and Indices Republic of Mauritius ICT Infrastructure and access -
Transport statistics Island of Mauritius 2007-2016
Transport statistics Island of Mauritius 2007-2016