Forest fires and area affected.
Data shows forest fires and area affected from year 2008 to 2021 -
Land under irrigation
Data shows land under irrigation in hectares for the year 2012 to 2021 -
Incidence rate of selected notifiable diseases reported to sanitary authorities
Data shows incidence rate and number of cases of selected notifiable diseases reported to sanitary authorities for the year 2012 to 2021 -
Water supply by economic activity
Data shows water supply by economic activity for the year 2012 to 2021 -
Number of complaints received at the PPC Division by category
The data shows number of complaints received at the Pollution Prevention and Control (PPC) Division by category from year 2012 - 2021 -
Annual catch by banks (fish Banks)
The data shows number of catch by banks per year from 2012 to 2021. Data obtained from Albion Fisheries Research Centre, Ministry of Blue Economy, Marine Resources, Fisheries... -
Number of guardians taking care of orphans and rate paid
The data shows number of guardians taking care of orphans and rate paid for the Republic of Mauritiusfor the year 1995 to 2021. -
Basic Invalid Pension - Number of beneficiaries by age-group, amount paid...
The data shows number of beneficiaries by age-group, amount paid and rate per month for Basic Invalid Pension for the Republic of Mauritius from year 1995 to 2021. -
Still births by month of registration
The data shows number of still births by month of registration for Republic of Mauritius from year 2009 to 2022 -
Mobile Banking and Mobile Payments
The data shows number of monthly Mobile Banking and Mobile Payments from year 2019 to August 2023 -
Internet Banking Transactions
The data shows number of monthly Internet Banking Transactions by year from year 2019 to August 2023 -
Private Households by Geographical Location and Principal Fuel Used For...
Dataset shows the Private Households by Geographical Location and Principal Fuel Used For Heating Water for Bathing for Mauritius, Rodrigues and Agalega for the Year 2022 -... -
Private Households by Geographical Location and Principal Fuel Used for...
Dataset shows the Private Households by Geographical Location and Principal Fuel Used for Cooking for Mauritius, Rodrigues and Agalega for the Year 2022 - Housing Census -
Card Transactions - Bank of Mauritius
The data shows number of monthly Card Transactions by year for the year 2019 to August 2023 -
Basic Widows Pension - Number of beneficiaries by age-group, amount paid and...
The data shows number of beneficiaries by age-group, amount paid and rate per month for basic widows pension for Republic of Mauritius for the year 1989 to 2021 -
Local Production of Logs, Poles and Fuelwood in Mauritius
Dataset shows the Local Production of Logs, Poles and Fuelwood in Mauritius for the Year 2012 to 2021. -
Annual Fish Catch of the Coastal (Artisanal) Fishery by Gear Type for Mauritius
Dataset shows the Annual Fish Catch of the Coastal (Artisanal) Fishery by Gear Type for Mauritius in Mauritius for the Year 2012 to 2021. -
Exports of goods by section and by quarter
Data shows number of exports of goods by section for 1st Quarter 2000 to 1st Quarter 2023 -
Discharge of Treated Wastewater to Environment in Mauritius
Dataset shows the Discharge of Treated Wastewater to Environment in Mauritius for the Year 2008 to 2021. -
Deforestation Rate of Forestland in Mauritius
Dataset shows the Deforestation Rate of Forestland in Mauritius for the Year 2008 to 2021.