Daily average number of detainees and imprisonment rate
Daily average number of detainees and imprisonment rate, Republic of Mauritius, 2001 - 2021 -
List of Regulated Machinery registered with the Energy Efficiency Management...
The dataset provides information on household electrical appliance models (Regulated Machinery) which have been registered with the EEMO for sale in Mauritius. These should bear... -
Juvenile detainees in Correctional Youth Centre
Dataset shows Juvenile detainees in Correctional Youth Centre, Republic of Mauritius, 2001 - 2021 -
Criminal cases at the Judiciary
Dataset shows the Criminal cases at the Judiciary, Republic of Mauritius, 1994 - 2021 -
Staff of the Probation and After-care Service
Dataset shows the Staff of the Probation and After-care Service, Republic of Mauritius, 2009 - 2021 -
Cases reported by type, Republic of Mauritius
Dataset shows the Cases reported by type, Republic of Mauritius, 1993 - 2021 -
Distribution of offenders Adults placed on probation by age group and sex
Dataset shows the Distribution of offenders (Minors) placed on probation by age group and sex, Republic of Mauritius, 1990 - 2021 -
Distribution of offenders Minors placed on probation by age group and sex
Dataset shows the Distribution of offenders (Minors) placed on probation by age group and sex, Republic of Mauritius, 1990 - 2021 -
Offenders sentenced with Probation Orders
Dataset shows the Offenders sentenced with Probation Orders, Republic of Mauritius, 1986 - 2021 -
Offenders subjected to Community Service Orders, Republic of Mauritius
Dataset shows the Offenders subjected to Community Service Orders, Republic of Mauritius, 2003 - 2021 -
Average length of stay of tourists by country of residence
Dataset shows Average length of stay (nights) of tourists by country of residence, Survey of Inbound Tourism, 1998 - 2018 -
Earnings and Value Added of the Tourism Sector
Dataset shows Tourism Earnings, % contribution to GDP and Value Added (at current basic prices) of the Tourism Sector as from 1983 -
Employment in large establishments of the Tourism Industry
Dataset shows the Employment in large establishments of the Tourism Industry as from 1983 -
Basic Widows Pension - Number of beneficiaries by age-group, amount paid and...
The data shows number of beneficiaries by age-group, amount paid and rate per month for basic widows pension for Republic of Mauritius for the year 1989 to 2021 -
Disposal of Solid Waste at Mare Chicose Landfill Site by Type in Mauritius
Dataset shows the Disposal of Solid Waste at Mare Chicose Landfill Site by Type in Mauritius for the Year 1999 to 2021. -
Forest Plantations by Type of Plants in Mauritius
Dataset shows the Forest Plantations by Type of Plants in Mauritius for the Year 1993 to 2021. -
Employment in the Sugar Sector in Mauritius
Dataset shows the Employment by Gender in the Sugar Sector in Mauritius for the Year 1981 to 2020 -
Production of Sugar, Molasses and Scum for Mauritius
Dataset shows the Production of Sugar, Molasses and Scum for Mauritius for the year 1975 to 2021 -
Area Under Cultivation and Production of Tea in Mauritius
Dataset shows the Area Under Cultivation and Production of Tea in Mauritius for the year 1975 to 2020 -
Area Harvested, Cane Production, Cane Yield for Estates, Metayers and...
Dataset shows the Area Harvested, Cane Production, Cane Yield for Estates, Metayers and Owner/Planters in Mauritius for the year 1975 to 2021