Infant mortality statistics for the Republic of Mauritius
Data shows infant mortality statistics (number & rate) for island of Mauritius, Rodrigues and Republic of Mauritius for the year 2004 to 2021 -
List of Police Stations in Mauritius
There is no description for this dataset
Reported Cases of Incidence for Some Communicable Diseases in Mauritius
Dataset refers to the Projection of Reported Cases of Incidence for Some Communicable Diseases in Mauritius for the year 2008 to 2021 -
Statistics on Caesarian Section (CS) in Mauritius
Dataset refers to the number of Caesarian Section (CS) performed in Mauritius including Government Hospital and Private Clinics for the year 2005 to 2021 -
Monthly Trend in Mortality for Mauritius
Dataset refers to the Projection of Monthly Number of Deaths Registered in Mauritius for the year 2018 to 2021 -
Cases Treated As In-Patients in Government General Hospitals Due to Some...
Dataset refers to the Projection of Number of Cases Treated As In-Patients in Government General Hospitals Due to Some Selected Diseases in Mauritius for the year 2004 to 2019 -
Immunisation Coverage Rates - Babies
Immunisation Coverage Rates by year and type of vaccine. Expanded programme on Immunization at Government Clinics & coverage areas. For the year 2000 to 2021 -
Location of National Coast Guard Post
Dataset shows GPS locations of National Coast Guard Post around Mauritius -
Locations of Fisheries Posts around Mauritius
Dataset shows the GPS Locations of Fisheries Posts around Mauritius -
Locations of Fish Landing Stations in Mauritius
Dataset shows the Locations of Fish Landing Stations around the island whereby FPS officers monitor the fish quality, quantity and the record of statistics -
Location of Fish Aggregating Devices
The dataset shows the number of FADs set around the island of Mauritius. Fish aggregating devices (FADs) are floating objects that are specifically designed and located to... -
Locations of Embarkation Points in Mauritius
Dataset shows GPS locations of Embarkation Points around Mauritius -
Number of live Birth and Death
The data shows number of live birth and deaths for Mauritius for the year 1991 to 2020 -
Still Birth Rate by Year and District
The data shows Number of still birth Rate By Year And by District from year 2011 to 2020 -
Crude Death Rate by District and by year
The data shows Number of crude death Rate By Year And by District from year 2011 to 2020 -
Crude Birth Rate by District and by Year
The data shows Number of crude birth Rate By Year And by District from year 2011 to 2020 -
Passenger Traffic by Month for Mauritius
Dataset refers to Passenger Traffic by Month including Arrival and Departures for Mauritius for Year 2018 to 2020 -
HSC Grade Distribution by Subjects at Subsidiary Level
Dataset shows number of students who took part (who were examined) in Higher School Certificate Examinations and the number of passes by Subject from year 2013 to 2022 at... -
HSC Grade Distribution by Subjects at Principal Level
Dataset shows number of students who took part (who were examined) in Higher School Certificate Examinations and the number of passes by Subject from year 2013 to 2022 at... -
Cambridge School Certificate Performance by Subject School Candidates,by...
The data shows number of girls and boys who took part (who were examined) in School Certificate Examinations and the number of passes by subject and by year for the year 2012 to...