SOURCE-Total expenditure of the Judiciary, Republic of Mauritius, 2003-2004, 2015-2016
Data on Crime, Justice and Security
- Total expenditure of the Judiciary, Republic of Mauritius
METADATA-Total expenditure of the Judiciary, Republic of Mauritius, 2003-2004, 2015-2016
METADATA - Daily average number of detainees and imprisonment rate, Republic of Mauritius, 2001 - 2016
DATA-Daily average number of detainees and imprisonment rate, Republic of Mauritius, 2001-2016
National Accounts Estimates - Growth Ratios
SOURCE-National Accounts Estimates Growth ratios 2014-2017
METADATA-National Accounts Estimates Growth ratios 2014-2017
METADATA-Electricity production by source of energy, 1990-2016