Passenger traffic between Mauritius and Rodrigues by year and by gender
The data shows the number of arrival and departure between Mauritius and Rodrigues by year and by gender
The data shows the number of arrival and departure between Mauritius and Rodrigues by year and by gender
The data shows the number of arrival and departure between Rodrigues and Reunion Island by year, by flight status and by gender
Monthly Production of Fruits and Vegetables, classified as Minor, Major and Protected Cultures Food Crops for the year 2019 in Mauritius
Area Harvested of Fruits and Vegetables by District for the year 2019 in Mauritius
Monthly Area Harvested of Fruits and Vegetables by District for the year 2019 in Mauritius
Monthly Area Harvested of Vegetables in Protected Cultures - Soil Culture for the year 2019 in Mauritius
Area Harvested of Fruits and Vegetables classified as Minor Food Crops by District for the year 2019 in Mauritius
Daily Percentage Storage Levels for the main Reservoirs of Mauritius from January 2018 till July 2021
Population growth in intercensal periods - Island of Rodrigues