


2872 results

Social Contributions Data

    To manage the National Pension Fund (NPF) (contributory pension scheme) and the National Savings Fund

    Social Benefits Data

      To pay Non-Contributory basic pensions

      To provide Social Aid and assistance

      To provide Income Support Scheme to the needy for the purchase of rice and flour

      To enhance the welfare of the vulnerable groups

      Open Data Mauritius


        This website has been developed by the State of Mauritius to provide public access to some State information.

        Educational Information

          To develop a culture of achievement and excellence by promoting an efficient and effective education and training system that is inclusive and integrated, comprehensive and holistic.

          Agriculture Data

            Towards further development of agriculture and the promotion of agro industry focusing on safety, supply, quality, innovation and new technology through our service providing institutions and with stakeholders of the region.

            Data on Crime, Justice and Security

              To provide, without fear or favour, hatred or ill-will, to the Government sound and independent legal advice, and representation as well as to contribute in the development of a fair and just legal system and the promotion of the rule of law, in t