Tourist Arrivals by Month for Mauritius
Dataset refers to Tourist Arrivals by Month for Mauritius for the year 1974 - 2021
Dataset refers to Tourist Arrivals by Month for Mauritius for the year 1974 - 2021
Dataset refers to Tourist Nights by Country of Residence for Mauritius for the year 1980 to 2021
The data shows number of drivers and riders involved in casualty accidents by age group, gender and by year.
Radiation Worker: means a person who works, whether full-time,part-time or temporarily, and who has recognised rights and duties in relation to occupational radiation protection.
Radiation Facility: means a place where radioactive material is produced, processed, used, handled, stored or disposed of, or a place where a radiation generator is installed.
Radioactive Source: means any radiation source containing radioactive material. Radioactive Material: means any material containing one or more radionuclides and which emits radiation.
The data shows number of casualty accidents by degree of casualties and junction type by year
The data shows Number of casualty accidents by type of road, severity of accident and collision type and by year
The data shows number of casualty by severity of accident and light conditions by year