Number of People Trained in Cybercaravan by Target Group, 2006-2018
Number of people trained in Cybercaravan as per target group for year 2006 to 2018
Number of people trained in Cybercaravan as per target group for year 2006 to 2018
Number of people trained in the NCB Cybercaravans for the period 2006 to 2018
Terrestrial Protected Areas 2017 in Republic of Mauritius from Environment Digest Table 1.21
Marine Protected Areas 2017 in Republic of Mauritius from Environment Digest Table 1.22
Container Traffic at Port Louis Harbour
CONTAINER TRAFFIC handled in terms of TEUs (Calendar Year)
Gross Tertiary Enrolment Rate (GTER) in Tertiary Education by sex, 2000 - 2015
Number of Mauritian Students Pursuing Tertiary Education Overseas by sex
Certificate of Primary Education (CPE) examination results