427 results
Certificate of Primary Education (CPE) examination results
Educational Information
Certificate of Primary Education (CPE) examination results
Rates of allowances paid under social aid
Social Benefits Data
Rates of allowances paid under social aid
Pension for Invalid-Orphan-Retirement-SeverelyHandicapped-Widow
Social Benefits Data
Pension for Invalid, Orphan, Retirement, Severely Handicapped, Widow 1990 to 2014
ICT Indicators and Indices Republic of Mauritius ICT Infrastructure and access
ICT Sector Data
ICT Indicators and Indices Republic of Mauritius ICT Infrastructure and access
Contribution of the ICT sector to the economy and ICT index
ICT Sector Data
Contribution of the ICT sector to the economy and ICT index
Productivity and Competitiveness Indicators- Manufacturing Sector
Productivity and Competitiveness Indicators
Productivity and Competitiveness Indicators- Manufacturing Sector