427 results
Monthly Producer Price Index -Agriculture
Economic Indicators
Monthly Producer Price Index -Agriculture
Productivity and Competitiveness Indicators- Manufacturing Sector
Productivity and Competitiveness Indicators
Productivity and Competitiveness Indicators- Manufacturing Sector
Average Earnings in large establishments
Labour and Employment Data
Average Earnings in large establishments
Budgetary Central Government - Statement of Government Operations
Finance Data
Budgetary Central Government - Statement of Government Operations
Budgetary Central Government-Quarterly Outlays by Functions of Government
Finance Data
Budgetary Central Government-Quarterly Outlays by Functions of Government
Employment in Government Services by occupation & sex, Republic of Mauritius
Employment in Government Services by occupation & sex, Republic of Mauritius
Candidates, and seats occupied in the national parliament by sex, Republic of Mauritius, National Assembly Elections
Elections data
Candidates, and seats occupied in the national parliament by sex, Republic of Mauritius, National Assembly Elections