List of MITD PreVocational Training Centres
List of MITD PreVocational Training Centres
List of MITD PreVocational Training Centres
MITD Enrolment by Year and Mode of Study
List of MITD Vocational Training Centres
Enrolment MITD PreVocational by Year and by gender
Total Enrolment at MITD 2018 by Gender and course type
Number of People trained in Cybercaravan by District for the year 2006 to 2018
ICT courses covered ICT literacy, ICT Awareness, ICT Awareness for senior Citizens, Initiation to Coding, Digital Youth Empowerment Programme and MS Office Packages
Number of people trained in Cybercaravan as per target group for year 2006 to 2018
Number of people trained in the NCB Cybercaravans for the period 2006 to 2018
Budget data with subhead as General, Labour and Employment Relations Management, Registrar of Associations and Trade Unions, Employment Facilitation