Locations of Foreign Diplomatic Missions Based in Mauritius
Dataset shows GPS locations of Foreign Diplomatic Missions Based in Mauritius
Dataset shows GPS locations of Foreign Diplomatic Missions Based in Mauritius
Dataset shows Tourism Earnings, % contribution to GDP and Value Added (at current basic prices) of the Tourism Sector as from 1983
Dataset shows Average length of stay (nights) of tourists by country of residence, Survey of Inbound Tourism, 1998 - 2018
Dataset shows the Employment in large establishments of the Tourism Industry as from 1983
The data shows number of tourist arrival broken down by year, month and country of residence and mode of travel for the year 2018 to September 2023
The data shows the monthly tourist arrival broken down by year, month and country of residence for the year 2015 to September 2023
The data shows the number of departure from Mauritius by year and by country of disembarkation for the year 2013 to 2021
Dataset refers to the Number of Tourist Arrivals by Country of Residence for the year 1983 to 2021 for Mauritius
Dataset refers to hotels in the island of Mauritius which were operational and including temporary closed ones till complete opening
of borders for the year 2013 to 2020
Dataset refers to the Number of Tourist Arrivals by Country of Residence and Mode of Travel for the year 2018 and 2020