Departure of Mauritian Residents by Country of Disembarkation
Dataset refers to the departure of Mauritian Residents by country of Disembarkation for the year 1983 - 2021
Dataset refers to the departure of Mauritian Residents by country of Disembarkation for the year 1983 - 2021
The data shows the number of arrival and departure to Mauritius by year, by type of passenger and by purpose of stay for Mauritius
Dataset shows the average expenditure (Rs) per tourist per night by country of residence for the year 1998 to 2018 from Survey of Inbound Tourism
The data shows number of arrival and departure of tourist by year, by travel status, by age group and by gender
The data shows number of mauritian resident arrival and departure by year, by travel status, age group and by gender
Dataset shows GPS locations of Hypermarkets and Supermarkets around Mauritius, along with its physical address, phone number, post code and website (if any)
The data shows number of visitors arrival by country of residence and purpose of visit for the year 2018 to 2020
Dataset refers to Tourist Arrivals by Mode of Travel, Tourist Nights, and Selected Hotel for Mauritius for the year 1980 to 2021
Dataset refers to Tourist Arrivals by Month for Mauritius for the year 1974 - 2021