AMB retail outlets
This data shows Agricultural Marketing Board retailing outlets by address, district, phone number, hours of operations and by coordinates
This data shows Agricultural Marketing Board retailing outlets by address, district, phone number, hours of operations and by coordinates
Monthly Production of Vegetables in Protected Cultures - Soil Cultures for the year 2019 in Mauritius
Monthly Area Production of Vegetables in Protected Cultures - Hydroponics for the year 2019 in Mauritius
Area Harvested and Production of Food Crops by District for the year 2014 to 2019 in Mauritius
The data shows the number of arrival to Mauritius by year and by country of embarkation, this data includes cruise travelers, but exclude traffic from other constituent islands of the Republic of Mauritius, direct transit and traffic between Rodri
Monthly Production of Fruits and Vegetables for the year 2019 in Mauritius
Production of Fruits and Vegetables for the year 2019 by District in Mauritius
Monthly Production of Fruits and Vegetables Classified as Minor Food Crops for the year 2019 in Mauritius
The data shows the number of arrival and departure between Mauritius and Rodrigues by year and by gender
The data shows the number of arrival and departure between Rodrigues and Reunion Island by year, by flight status and by gender