Peak demand of electricity by month and year
Dataset shows the Peak demand of electricity by month and year for Mauritius and Rodrigues as from 2010
Dataset shows the Peak demand of electricity by month and year for Mauritius and Rodrigues as from 2010
Dataset shows the climatology of the Island for the regions West, North, East, South and Centre. Medine, Pamplemousses, Fuel, Plaisance and Vacoas are considered to be representative of the five respective regions
Dataset shows Average length of stay (nights) of tourists by country of residence, Survey of Inbound Tourism, 1998 - 2018
Dataset shows the Employment in large establishments of the Tourism Industry as from 1983
Dataset shows Tourism Earnings, % contribution to GDP and Value Added (at current basic prices) of the Tourism Sector as from 1983
Dataset shows the number of registered electors for Polling Stations Constituency and Local Government in Mauritius
Dataset shows the Production of agro-industrial products on the Island of Mauritius as from 1993
Dataset shows the Mean rainfall by month on the Island of Mauritius from 2004 to 2006 and the difference from the long term mean
Dataset shows the Mean rainfall by region on the Island of Mauritius from 2004 to 2016 and the difference from the long term mean