Location of Youth Centres in Mauritius
Dataset shows GPS locations of Youth Centres around Mauritius -
Location of Day Care Centres in Mauritius
Dataset shows GPS locations of Day Care Centres around Mauritius -
Location of Post Offices in Mauritius
Dataset shows GPS locations of Post Offices around Mauritius with respective coordinates -
Number of casualty by severity of accident and light conditions
The data shows number of casualty by severity of accident and light conditions by year -
Number of casualty accidents by severity of accident and police district
The data shows number of casualties by severity of accident and police district by year -
Number of casualty accidents by severity of accident and weather condition
The data shows number of casualty accidents by severity of accident and weather conditions like Fine, Rainy, Foggy/misty and Other -
Location of Community Centres in Mauritius
Dataset shows GPS locations of Community Centres around Mauritius -
Location of Social Welfare Centres in Mauritius
Dataset shows GPS locations of Social Welfare Centres around Mauritius -
Location of Women Centre in Mauritius
Dataset shows GPS locations of Women Centres around Mauritius -
Locations of Hospitals, Clinics, Medi-Clinics, Area Health Centres and...
Dataset shows GPS locations of Hospitals, Clinics, Mediclinics, Area Health Centres, Community Health Centres around Mauritius -
Locations of Secondary Schools in Mauritius
Dataset shows GPS locations of State Secondary Schools and Private Secondary Schools around Mauritius -
Number of driving licence issued by year and by type of licence
The data shows number of driving license issued by year and by type of license -
Registration of Imported Second hand and re registered vehicles
The data shows Number of Registration of Imported Second-hand and re-registered vehicles where re-registration of vehicles means vehicles previously put off the road excludes... -
Production of Selected Food Crops by District for Mauritius
Production of Fruits and Vegetables by District for the year 2014 to 2019 in Mauritius -
Area Harvested of Selected Food Crops by District for Mauritius
Area Harvested of Fruits and Vegetables by District for the year 2014 to 2019 in Mauritius -
Food Crops Monthly Production for Mauritius
Production of Vegetables by Month for the year 2017 to 2019 in Mauritius -
Food Crops Monthly Area Harvested for Mauritius
Area Harvested of Vegetables by Month for the year 2017 to 2019 in Mauritius. -
Number of vehicles invloved in casualty accidents by year and by type
The data shows Number of vehicles involved in accident causing casualty by type of vehicle and by year -
AMB retail outlets
This data shows Agricultural Marketing Board retailing outlets by address, district, phone number, hours of operations and by coordinates -
AMB Retailing Unit
The data shows Agricultural Marketing board retailing unit by address, by stall number, by days of operation and coordinates